Planning Your Dream Honeymoon Road Trip: Tips For Newlyweds 

Weddings are beautiful occasions but they aren’t without their stressful moments. Many couples look forward to their honeymoon as it can be a chance to relax and reconnect as newlyweds.  Road trips are a popular honeymoon choice as it means you can move around and experience different things. You can also choose a staycation in your country or travel across the world to various foreign locations. Here are some tips for planning your dream honeymoon road trip. 


Planning Your Dream Honeymoon Road Trip: Tips For Newlyweds 

Choosing your route 

Before you can hit the open road you will need to plan your route. One way to tackle this is to work backwards from an end destination. Alternatively, you could create a looped trip, finishing where you started.  

Remember to enjoy the journey as well as the destination. Plan some stops along the way to experience new things and get bodies moving. You could also leave some days free on a longer drive to go out and explore without a plan from your chosen base.  



Preparing your vehicle 

Making sure your vehicle is in peak condition before you leave should be standard before any long journey. Take some time to thoroughly inspect features such as tyres, oil levels and brakes.  

Don’t forget your air conditioning system too. A quick aircon regas may be necessary to keep you cool and comfortable when driving around. Try to book this well in advance of your trip to avoid any delays.  


Planning Your Dream Honeymoon Road Trip: Tips For Newlyweds 

Packing essentials 

If you are driving off into the sunset straight after your wedding, you won’t want to deal with all the stress of extra luggage. Try and keep your honeymoon packing separate from wedding essentials. You could always ask a trusted friend to look after anything you don’t need until you return. 

Packing for a road trip is basically the same as any other holiday. Think through how many outfits you will need as well as the activities you will be doing. Don’t forget car essentials such as a first aid kit, snacks and entertainment.  



Accommodation planning 

Road trips will often take place across days or weeks. Whilst living in the moment can be fun, having accommodation planned makes the trip a bit less stressful.  

If you are travelling in a camper van or taking a tent, book a few campsites along the way. Not only are they cheaper but you may uncover some hidden gems.  B&Bs are also a cheaper option than a hotel, plus you get breakfast included which could save you some money. B&Bs often encourage guests to mix meaning you can meet all sorts of characters along the way.  


Planning Your Dream Honeymoon Road Trip: Tips For Newlyweds 

Staying safe and healthy 

Staying safe whilst travelling is a lot easier in the modern world. Be sure to share your itinerary with someone you trust so they can keep track of where you are and when you will be back.  

Driving can take its toll so make sure you take regular rest breaks and swap if you feel unable to carry on. Fatigue is a common killer on the roads, so do your best to avoid feeling overtired.   Hydration is an overlooked but vital part of road trips. Car air cons can make your throat feel dry so make sure you have plenty of liquids in the car.  


Planning Your Dream Honeymoon Road Trip: Tips For Newlyweds 


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