6 Essential Tips On How To Be A Good Partner

We’re all deserving of love. But the few times you’ve given love a chance might not have worked out as well as you’d hoped. That doesn’t mean the next time won’t be better. You just need to look back at your previous relationships, learn your lessons from them, and move on with an open mind. There are also some important tips that can help you enjoy a more blissful relationship with your partner. So, in this article, we’ll discuss these essential tips on how to be a good partner. 


6 Essential Tips On How To Be A Good Partner

Always Communicate

Research has shown that all successful couples share some foundational qualities. One of these qualities is how they communicate openly and sincerely. You and your partner come from different backgrounds and have different perspectives on many issues. Both of you will also have various ways of expressing viewpoints and different emotional triggers. All these mean there will be many instances where either of you will misinterpret the other.


So, if you want to know how to be a good partner, you must be able to apply this knowledge in three ways.


  1. You must understand that your partner cannot read your mind, and neither may they always pick up subtle hints because they probably have a different way of expressing themselves.
  2. You must learn how to communicate in a way (verbally and non-verbal) that your partner can understand. After all, what is effective communication if the recipient doesn’t get the message?
  3. You must try to understand your partner’s communication style, too. Learn to listen and also pick up their non-verbal cues especially. That way, you both meet each other halfway.


6 Essential Tips On How To Be A Good Partner

Gifts Go A Long Way

Gifts are one of the best ways of showing appreciation and affection for your partner. Everyone has their love languages—things you can do for them that’ll make them know you love them. For some, it’s “acts of service,” like sharing tasks with them to help them out. So, to be a better partner, you must learn their love language. However, gifts are one of the most universal love languages. 


There are many options for personalised gifts, but none is more expressive than couple portraits like those created by Pixels Photo Art, which help celebrate the love you both share and immortalize memorable moments together in brushstrokes. 


The beautiful thing about gifts is that you don’t need a special reason to give them to your partner. A customised portrait would make an amazing anniversary gift, true. But you can also make it a random surprise gift to appreciate your partner for sticking with you on this journey of love. 



Prioritise Intimacy

Intimacy cannot be over-emphasized when discussing how to be a better partner in a relationship. It’s how you build memories and fuel the relationship on this lifelong journey. Most people, however, think sexual intimacy is the only form of intimacy. That is wrong. Quality time together is an essential aspect of intimacy. You both can’t spend all your lives in bed, so you must figure out other activities that can create incredible memories and spice up the relationship.


Go out on romantic dates as often as you can. And it doesn’t even have to be red-carpet dinners. Coffee dates, picnics, and parks are other attractive alternatives to try out too. 


Beyond Tradition: The Modern Couple's Guide To Wedding Cash Funds

Respect Each Other’s Boundaries

One way to know a partner, boyfriend, or girlfriend who values their partner is how they demonstrate respect. Sometimes, you can become so bonded with your partner that you just want to spend every minute of your life with them. However, you must create space for them to grow and explore their interests alone. If you’ve been asking yourself, “How can I be a better partner?” lately, this answer can help. Having space to yourself also allows you to take care of yourself and live for yourself, even though you have a commitment to your partner. Boundaries aren’t just for couples who are dating alone. It should exist and be respected in marriage, too.



Discuss! Don’t Argue 

Let’s face it. Arguments are bound to happen. You must understand that arguments are not necessarily a bad thing. They happen because you both have slightly different perspectives (as expected in every healthy relationship). But both of you don’t have to launch a barrage of hurtful words at each other. Instead, try to keep your words respectful and your arguments as constructive as possible. You cannot sustain your relationship if you can’t respect your partner even when you have disagreements. 


One crucial trait to display during arguments is the ability to be a good listener. This ensures both of you can get to the root of the matter and thrash it out amicably. Arguments are also avenues for exchanging values between couples. And sometimes, you both may not reach a consensus, which is fine. Both of you just have to agree to disagree. And when all is said and done, forgiveness should be a trait you both have in abundance as well.


Beyond Tradition: The Modern Couple's Guide To Wedding Cash Funds

Be Intentional About Building Trust

Trust is another essential trait needed in a successful relationship. Once trust is absent in a relationship, it’s only a matter of time before it unravels. That is why you and your partner must be intentional about it. If you and your partner can cultivate trust (and maintain it), it becomes easier to give each other space because you know you can trust your partner wherever they are.


Honesty and accountability are two essential ingredients for sustaining trust in a relationship. Your partner will trust you more easily when they’re convinced that you would never lie to them. Accountability will also help you avoid certain situations, events, and friends because you care about how your partner would feel if they found out. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you must ensure trust never dies.


Although there isn’t a single blueprint for how to be a good partner in a relationship, these tips here will go a long way in helping you build and sustain a successful relationship. Remember, relationships thrive on intentionality. So, you must make conscious efforts to make things work out.





This is a collab post. 



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